Fathers Day Blog
(Super late sorry I'm a disaster)
Never Grow Up-Taylor Swift
Because You Loved Me- Celine Dion
For my own reasons Father's Day isn't my favorite holiday. I have several friends who feel the same way, while some people post about having the best dad in the world I know several people who don't have many good memories, if any at all. However, being here in Honduras caused me to think about it a little differently. One of my favorite ways to describe God is a father to the fatherless. Since I am literally living in an orphanage currently I started thinking about what exactly that could mean to someone. I realized that being a Father to the fatherless doesn't have to be a hallmark card relationship but can be seen in the way that God provides for his children. I see the love that H2H has poured into the people of Olivos. The kids all adore Shelton and shout in excitement whenever they see his truck because they know laughter and affection are going to be given out. Women in the village are moved to tears when their friends that come on the trips year after year leave. Children who are shy and reserved come to life as they form bonds with people that they once would never have imagined meeting. In the Orphanage today we celebrated the birthday of Sister Terracita(I probably butchered that spelling) who founded the Orphanage years ago. Watching all the kids sing to her and make her cards really witnessed to the impact she has had in their lives. These kids have been brought here for a variety of reasons but for some the workers and other children here are the only family they know. The impact that LOVE has already had on the people here is incredible to me. Tonight I got to sit with the kids while one of the women Rachel lead the daily devotion. It was precious to me to see such a real interaction between her and the kids. They laughed, answered questions, got reprimanded for misbehaving, but more than anything they got to experience someone who is daily part of their lives honestly talking about God with them(From what I could understand my Spanish isn't great). Anyways, I chose these two videos for a reason. I'm weirdly obsessed with Taylor Swift and when I first listened to this song I had just left for college and it brought to mind my nieces(Who I really would appreciate if they stopped growing up). Listening to it tonight made me think a little differently. Part of the song talks about the child being young and not scarred and I realized that stopping that isn't even an option for most of the kids here(and many I've worked with in the states as well). Several of them have scars that are made even more visible by the fact that stitches here are a hack job. Baby Harry is 2 years old and has already spent days in a row of his life more hungry than I can ever imagine being. There are so many kids all over the world(including the US) who have to "grow up" much too quickly. This makes me wonder, while I definitely understand wanting to keep kids from growing up, if providing them love through the hard parts of life isn't a much better option. Children have soooo much potential and intelligence and they absolutely thrive when given love. I look at people like Sister T, Rhonda, my bosses at my job back home Leslie(calls literally everyone love) and Cheryl, or my old Sunday school teacher Mrs. Terra as she minister to women in prison, and wonder how many people will look back one day and say "I am everything I am because you loved me"(See second video ;)) I'm definitely inspired by these women and think they are being an example of "A Father to the Fatherless. To wrap it up this post isn't really about being a father or needing a father(but if you are one LOVE on those kiddos they need you) It's about going out and putting love into the world, especially of children, and watching as more wonderful things than you could ever imagine occur(Reap What you Sow) You don't have to be the perfect mother, father, brother, sister, teacher, child, worker but I truly believe that if you live a life serving and loving other there will be rewards all around(Not that it will never be hard but that is a post for another day)
Be a Light.